I am Ashley I live for summer days filled with ice cream on sunburnt lips. I am a wife to a very loving a supportive husband and mother to two beautiful girls currently residing in the beautiful small town of Beaufort, SC though I was raised in the sunshine state. When I am not capturing moments you can find me somewhere in between quiet mornings with coffee and sunny beach days.
My family is my inspiration to capture the everyday moments we tend to overlook. I am motivated by my husband who is always a supportive and helpful influence. My Family is the reason I know I love what I am doing, capturing the memories of my own family drives me to capture sweet moments for others. I found my love for photography in high school, taking a class on film and digital photography. It soon became a passion, for graduation my parents bought me my first camera and I have had one in my hands ever since. Whether it be my phone, digital, or dslr you won't find me without one. Fun fact my favorite part of photography is editing my photos, not only is it extremely therapeutic but seeing the magic that happens with a little elbow grease brings such satisfaction. I am a self taught photographer, I've learned everything I currently know from doing everything the wrong way first! But I've also had some amazing photographers along the way who have helped me throughout the years to really get to the place I am today.
Five Fun Facts
1. How to Train Your Dragon and Rocky (all except the fifth) are my all time favorite movies.
2. I handle emergencies strangely calm.
3. I don't have a favorite color, but I love all things neutral!
4. I could LIVE on Chinese takeout!
5. I think I am the only person on earth that likes sandy shoes.
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